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#RandyTales are observations on the world.

  • Friends of All Flavors
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero makes new friends, catches up with old friends, and finds new friends in old friends… and there are boobies and drugs involved in this…
  • Painting
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero talks about new friends, new experiences, and gets an art-on… and leaves the innuendo (mostly) to Coach Nikki…
  • Tattoo
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero adds a different kind of mark to himself…
  • Ghosts and Stuff
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero attempts to explain why ghosts love Castle Snark…
  • Back To The Couch
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero owns up to his behavior and gets back on the couch…
  • Compersion on Freakmont
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero talks about the various forms of compersion…
  • Crossroads
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero comes to a crossroads… and isn’t sure if he is the devil in this story or not…
  • Katie Morgan is my spirit animal
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero plays the Name Game and declares Katie Morgan is his new spirit animal… Alright – I rarely fangirl *SQQQQWWEEEEEE* over… well… anything really. It isn’t my an attractive trait at my age and I don’t always have my pigtails in… which doesn’t make it more attractive. But occasionally, I get…
  • Castle Snark
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero introduces you to his ancestral home (since 2018) and why sanctuaries are important…
  • Pocoyo
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero talks about the most important resident of Castle Snark… besides Nana…
  • Randy’s Rules of Acid
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero shifts from personal growth to personal destruction with “Randy’s Rules of Acid”…
  • The Rules of Randy
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero FINALLY talks about the Rules of Randy…
  • Guy Card
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero uses his guy card… and it gets declined…
  • RENT
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero attempts to write a bittersweet, evocative post… that doesn’t remind us of Musetta’s Waltz…
  • Meat Sack
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero takes pride in his meat sack…
  • Vasectomy
    In today’s #RandyTales, our hero tugs on his nuts… literally… not in the Letterkenny way…