This is a post that Fraggle made to Facebook in June 2015. She had been sober for 8 months – a record for her. Her sobriety would last another year and then she would have what would be her final relapse
*•~345,000 minutes~•* That’s how long I’ve been clean from drugs and alcohol today. It’s not much when you figured I spent 7,884,000 minutes actively addicted and in pain but God it feels like I’ve climbed Everest!
8 months and 1 day ago I thought my life was OVER, I had lost and was risking losing *•everything•* that meant anything to me. I was terrified of the unknown and unfamiliar but my only choice was sobriety. And for whatever reason, this minute, today I’m clean.
I have to, once again, thank my amazing husband Randy because he has not only stood by me, he’s believed, sorry KNOWN (his words) that this person was inside me and that I was worth all the heinous bullshit I put him through. He deserves a Medal of Honor for what he has endured. He keeps saying “we vowed “in sickness and in health”, we’ve done the HELL out of sickness! Now I’m going to enjoy health.” All I can promise is right now, this minute, but I’m going to try with all I have and all I am to earn that faith you’ve always had in me, to rebuild broken hearts & trust, and to be your partner in life 1,000,000% I love you SO much.
My sons have been through the wringer but are coming out the other side, changed, but in positive ways. My angels, I WILL be the mommy you deserve, mistakes, mishaps and all.
[NAMES REDACTED] …without all of you & the many and varied ways you have been there for me and mine I would have made it this far. And I can’t continue to succeed without you. I promise to be a better, more engaging friend from now on.
I know I should have probably saved this for my 13th month, supposedly that’s when the disease of addiction can be considered in “remission” according to my dr., but I feel so good today I had to say it now. I love you all so very much. I am indeed blessed!